Arkansas Quartz

About Arkansas’ Quartz Crystals “Quartz is a prevalent mineral from a global standpoint. Rock quartz can be found as far away as Tibet and China and in the United States, as close as Arkansas, Washington State, Herkimer New York and the Pecos River Valley (which runs...

Debbie Davis: Finding Love at Midlife

I just wanted to take a minute to share with you all a link to a very close friends exceptional web site dedicated to providing coaching and guidance to those in need. Debbie Darvis was the individual that first encouraged me to share my gift of Spirit with the world...

Dan’s Prayer

My prayer for today is simple. God help me rid myself of the anger, guilt, and misunderstandings, that are buried deep within my heart. Help me “Forgive” myself so that I can start the healing process of these deep wounds: Today! I pray for Spiritual Understanding,...

Kunzite: Activate the Heart’s knowing

Find calm. Release tension. Relax. Kunzite was discovered at the Pala Chief Mine near San Diego, California and named after gemologist GF Kunz, who first described it after the turn of the twentieth century. Kunzite is an unusual, and rare, stone. Wear kunzite to...

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